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Russia Set to Launch Tourist Mission to ISS in 2025

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - Russia plans to conduct a tourist mission to the International Space Station (ISS) aboard the Soyuz MS spacecraft in the second half of 2025, Glavkosmos, a subsidiary of Russian state space corporation Roscosmos, said on Thursday.
"Planned flight start: Q3 - Q4 2025. Launch site: Baikonur Cosmodrome (Kazakhstan). Duration of the flight to the ISS: approximately 3 hours. Planned stay at the ISS: 10 days. Total preparation time for the flight: 10 months. Active flight preparation period: 4-5 months," a statement read.
The Soyuz MS spacecraft will carry one professional cosmonaut and two tourists. The expedition will include a medical exam, flight program development and in-person training. Those preparing for the mission will have sessions at the Cosmonaut Training Center located in the Moscow Region, according to the statement.
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"No special knowledge or skills for space flight are required. Everything necessary will be taught and practiced as part of the program," the statement said.
Custom spacesuits and individual support cushions will be created for the participants, Glavkosmos added.