
It's 'Raining' Iguanas in Florida (PHOTO, VIDEO)

With temperatures drastically decreasing in parts of Southern Florida, not only were people stunned by this week’s cold snap, but green lizards got completely frozen, too.

The cold-blooded iguanas have been falling out of trees since the weather suddenly worsened and temperatures plummeted. While some might assume that they are dead, they are, in fact, immobilized due to the cold temperatures in Florida.

“They’ll fall out of trees. They’ll end up in areas where your cars are, parking lots, areas where they’re cold stunned,” said Emily Maple, the reptile keeper at the Palm Beach County Zoo.

Maple explained that it would last for a couple of days, as they could still breathe, however, their body functions were slowed down.

​“Once it gets above 50 degrees they’ll start to activate and move around,” said Maple.

If the temperature is below 45 degrees for more than two days, then the reptiles will likely die, mainly from pneumonia.

Such weird news could never go unnoticed on social media:

​Maple advised people to put stiffened iguanas aside and in the sun to let them thaw.

“Put then over to the side if you feel comfortable to put them in the sun, or put them off the road so you’re not running them over,” said Maple.
