
S Korean Newspaper Diagnoses Kim Jong-un by His Voice

In South Korea, Kim Jong-un's New Year's address to the people of North Korea was analyzed from a medical point of view, the Seoul media reported on Monday.

The goal was to determine the state of health of the head of the DPRK using only his voice. The newspaper "Tona ilbo" cites the opinion of Cho Chon Don Uk, a professor at the University of Chungcheon-Pukto Province.

After analyzing the vibration, noise and amplitude in the pronunciation of a number of consonant sounds by the leader of the DPRK, the scientist claims that Kim Jong-un "may have problems with his kidneys rather than his heart or lungs."

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"One cannot judge the functions of Kim's internal organs using such an analysis, but according to the results of his New Year's performance, one can understand that the kidney functions are weaker than those of other organs," the newspaper quotes the South Korean professor as saying.

Attention to Kim Jong-un's health appeared on the eve of the meeting of the DPRK and South Korea on improving relations and the possibility of allowing North Korean Olympic athletes to attend the Olympics in Pyeongchang.
