In the wake of the release of the movie Darkest Hour, the biopic of Winston Churchill starring Gary Oldman, there has been a resurgence of interest in the life and legacy of Britain's famed wartime prime minister. His determination to fight on against Hitler after the military disaster of Dunkirk is widely credited with changing the course of the Second World War.
But even if true, does this justify the veneration of a man who believed in a racial hierarchy under which the exploitation of the non-white and non-European peoples and countries of the world by their white European counterparts was coterminous with human progress and civilization?
Is it Churchill the great wartime leader who stood up to fascism? Or is it Churchill the racist and fanatical imperialist? Which comes closest to the truth of the man and his life and legacy?
John sits down with historian Geoffrey Roberts to explore the evidence and separate Churchill the man from Churchill the myth.
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