
Bigger 'Natural' Penises, Boobs in New Age for Plastic Surgery Using Stem Cells

A company based in Nottingham, England called Stem Protect says that ”natural” cosmetic surgery can be performed using a combination of obtaining fat from liposuction and healthy stem cells from the patient's own body.

The procedure, which is gaining popularity in plastic surgery vows to give bigger, but ‘natural’ penises, breasts and bottoms.

This new procedure may replace the silicon or other artificial fillers, which are quite often rejected by the body.

Stem Protect vows that this method can enlarge a man’s penis by three inches without using any synthetic or harmful materials.

“We're entering a new age of cosmetic surgery, one which is striving to not only look more natural than ever before, but which is also seeking to use more and more natural materials and procedures to achieve the finished look,” Mark Hall from the UK company said.

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He went on to say that people today want to improve their looks, but want to keep things as natural as possible.

“The result is something that stem cells can really help with, growing tissue from a person's own cells so that it's not rejected by the body,” Hall added.

The company expected the demand to rise, although the price will be just under $6,900.

Although the procedure sounds promising, there are critics like the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) which has warned patients to fully understand the procedures before signing up for them.
