
Afrin Terrified by Turkish Air Force Attacks

On Saturday, the Turkish General Staff declared the launch of the operation dubbed Olive Branch against the Kurdish forces in Afrin. The operation started at 14:00 GMT and over 70 Turkish warplanes conducted airstrikes in seven districts of Afrin, where 108 targets were hit.

The military operation has already been condemned by Damascus and the Syrian Foreign Ministry claimed that it was a violation of Syrian sovereignty.

Meanhwhile, residents of the northern Syrian district of Afrin are frightened of the bombardments by the Turkish Air Force targeting local Kurdish militia.

"The airstrikes began two days ago, but initially Turkish planes bombed desert areas. Today, for the first time the airstrikes targeted the center of Afrin [city]. The airstrikes are everywhere and it is very scary. All my relatives, five families, gathered at our house in a large room. We do not have a basement, so we hope for walls. Women are crying, it is very scary," local resident Hevin Hassan told Sputnik.

Turkey's Land Forces to Carry Out 'Necessary Activities' in Syria on Sunday - PM
At least nine people were killed and 13 were injured in the northern Syrian district of Afrin as a result of the bombardments by the Turkish Air Force targeting local Kurdish militia, media reported Sunday citing the Syrian Kurdish People's Protection Units (YPG).

According to Rudaw news agency, six civilians and three militiamen were killed in the Turkish airstrikes.

Earlier that day, the press service of the authorities of the Afrin canton told Sputnik that at least 10 Afrin residents were injured in the airstrikes carried out by Turkish aircraft.

According to media reports, during the airstrikes, the Rubar refugee camp for internally displaced persons from the province of Aleppo was damaged. Turkish warplanes also targeted a local airfield, which was used by the US forces for arms deliveries to Kurdish militia.

The situation at the Syrian-Turkish border has become tense recently, with the Turkish armed forces shelling the positions of the Syrian Kurdish People's Protection Units (YPG), which it considers an affiliate of the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK), designated as a terrorist organization in Turkey and several other countries.
