
'I Love Trump': Uganda's Leader Sends Waves of Admiration Toward US President

Despite a storm of devastating criticism of Trump allegedly calling a number of African lands "shithole," still there is at least one Trump admirer, most surprisingly, in the leadership of one of these countries.

He expressed his affection for the American president in response to the US ambassador’s reported apology for Trump's recent reference to African nations as "shithole countries."

"I love Trump," famously said Uganda’s leader Yoweri Museveni on Tuesday.

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Addressing an audience at the regional East African Legislative Assembly, the Ugandan leader praised Trump’s frankness:

"I don't know whether he was misquoted or whatever. But he talks to Africans frankly," Museveni said. "In the world, you cannot survive if you are weak."

Museveni, the 73-year-old politician, called Trump an honest man in the past.

Earlier, a horde of African nations, as well as western countries and international organizations condemned Trump’s alleged words, which he himself flatly denied. 

The US president's reported "shithole" remark was a reaction to a plan drafted by a bipartisan group of senators to protect juvenile immigrants, the so-called "dreamers" from deportation.

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