By Any Means Necessary

FMR Pharmaceutical Head Azar to Lead HHS; Police Brutality Up in DC

Alex Azar confirmed to head HHS; Efforts to Restore Voter Rights in Florida, Zuma Refuses to leave Presidency, Trudeau to sign TPP-esk Deal.

On this episode of "By Any Means Necessary" hosts Eugene Puryear and Sean Blackmon are joined by Corey Ramsden, Vice President of Go Solar Programs at Solar United Neighbors, to talk about Donald Trump imposing up to a 30% tariff on solar energy equipment, the cost increase it will impose on residential systems, if the tariff will increase domestic production by solar companies in the US, and the ongoing momentum around efforts climate justice movements.

In the second segment Neil Volz, a board member of the Florida Rights Restoration Coalition, joins the show to talk about their coalition gaining ballot access for a referendum in Florida to restore voting rights for those who have felony charges, the bipartisan nature of the initiative to regain voting rights for 1.68 million Floridians, the process of building support across Florida for their initiative, and the role of religion in building broad base coalitions for social and political movements.

In a special third segment "By Any Means Necessary" is joined by Nicholas​ ​Wolpe,​ ​Chief​ ​Executive​ ​of​ ​the Liliesleaf​ ​Trust​ ​and​ ​Museum to talk about the state of South Africa, if Jacob Zuma will ever step down from his Presidency, if the ANC has realistic policy beyond Zuma to regain confidence with the electorate, if there will be a re-configuring of political alliances in the country, and the dire situation around water accessibility in Cape Town.

Later in the show Eugene Puryear and Sean Blackmon are joined by Ajit Singh, political analyst to talk about Justin Trudeau and Canada agreeing to sign a revised Tran Pacific Partnership deal without the United States, Trudeau's efforts to continue to cast himself as a progressive global leader, what the vacuum of US leadership means for global partnerships and coalitions and whether or not the Trump Administration is looking for a trade war with China.

In the final segments Bob Schlehuber, Sputnik News Analyst joins the show to talk about Alex Azar being confirmed by the US Senate to be the next Secretary of Health and Human Services, a new police report in DC showing a dramatic increase of police use of force complaints, Jerome Powell being appointed to be the next Chairman of the Federal Reserve, Bank of America nickel-and-dimeing its customers, and the future of dockless bikes in the nation's capital.

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