
'Stop Kardashianism Now!': Bar in New York Puts a Ban on the Word 'Literally'

In this Wednesday, Dec. 9, 2015, photo a bouncer stands next to a sign professing love for Santacon hanging in the window of the Continental bar in New York
According to the bar, this word is overused by many and is thus very annoying in the English language.

My bar, my rules seems to be the motto of the Continental Bar in New York’s East Village, which passed a linguistic ban on the word “literally”.

A sign has appeared on the bar’s window which reads, “Sorry but if you say the word ‘literally’ inside continental you have five minutes to finish your drink and then you must leave.”

Members of Congress leave after a series of votes effecting the fast tracking of the Trans-Pacific Partnership on Capitol Hill June 12, 2015 in Washington, DC. The House of Representatives voted down a bill that will could effect the fast tracking of the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade agreement.
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But, “If you actually start a sentence with ‘I literally’ you must leave immediately!!!” the sign declares.

Continental said that it will not tolerate its customers using the word inside its premises, as they called to “Stop Kardashianism now!”

Social media users took to Twitter to express their indignation with the bar’s new rule. Many were offended by it.

​Some poked fun at the bar, saying that the Continental Bar is 10 years past its expiration date.

​Some called the bar’s sign hypocritical because of their own grammatical incorrectness in using three exclamation points on the sign.
