
Hyperloop CEO to Sputnik: 'We Are Getting Closer to Russia'

Leaders from all over the world have gathered in Davos, Switzerland for the annual World Economic Forum to discuss this year’s agenda – “Creating a Shared Future in a Fractured World.”

Dirk Alborn, founder and CEO of Hyperloop Transportation Technologies (HTT) shared his new project with Sputnik France.

“We will test various technologies of energy production: solar panels, wind turbines, kinetic energy while braking… We hope that highways will at best allow it to produce more energy rather than consume it, depending on climate and geothermal energy.”

Alborn said that while selling the energy surplus will be an inherent part of this economic model, advertising will additionally boost its efficiency. Furthermore, he added that advertising may even allow passengers to ride for free when it is not during rush hour, which obviously comes down to demand and supply.

“Ideally, you won’t pay for your ticket. Probably, just for chargeable services, offered by the haulers.”

In December 2017, Alborn met with French President Emmanuel Macron in order to discuss the new technologies, which would be tested in the French city of Toulouse.

Dirk Ahlborn PDG de Hyperloop Transportation Technologies (HTT), à la Maison Russe du Forum de Davos

Alborn noted that Hyperloop has also received Russia’s support, saying that HTT “was getting closer to Russia.” Despite the fact that there are no projects yet, the company is expected to think of ideas that might be successfully developed in Moscow.

HTT is an American research company that is developing a transportation system based on the Hyperloop concept, first outlined by the renowned Elon Musk in 2013. He suggested a new locomotive technology that combines magnetic levitation with reduced-pressure tubes.
