
Ex-Porn Star Stormy Daniels Denies Affair With Trump 'Because it Never Happened'

The wave of sex scandals, which started from the entertainment industry, has swept politics affecting not only high-ranking officials but state leaders as well, as Donald Trump is currently struggling with allegations of an extramarital affair from more than a decade ago.

Former adult-film actress Stephanie Clifford, more commonly known under her stage name Stormy Daniels, has issued a statement in which she reiterated her denial of allegations that she had a liaison with US President Donald Trump "many, many, many years ago."

"The fact of the matter is that each party to this alleged affair denied its existence in 2006, 2011, 2016, 2017 and now again in 2018. I am not denying the affair because I was paid ‘hush money’ as has been reported in overseas owned tabloids. I am denying this affair because it never happened."

READ MORE: Ex-Porn Star, Trump's Lawyer Strongly Deny 'Hush Money' Report as 'False'

Daniel's statement came hours before Trump's first State of the Union address to Congress where his wife Melania Trump has for the first time faced the public after the news about the alleged affair broke. Amid speculation about the state of presidential marriage, Melania Trump traveled to the Capitol in a separate car.

Trump's Sexual Skills ‘Textbook Generic,' Porn Star Stormy Daniels Claims
Earlier, both Stormy Daniels and Trump's lawyer Michael Cohen denied a report which appeared in The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) earlier this month and claimed that the porn star was paid $130,000 for her silence concerning an alleged sexual encounter with the president back in 2006. However, in 2011 the porn star in an interview to the InTouch magazine in details described her sexual affair with Donald Trump, saying that while they were having sex, she remembers thinking "Please don’t try to pay me…. But I bet if he did, it would be a lot"

READ MORE: Hustler Porn Magazine Publisher Offers $10 Million to Dig Dirt on Trump

An August 2016 report from the WSJ that alleged that Daniels was in talks with ABC's "Good Morning America" program to discuss her history with then-nominee Trump. The article added that another, similar incident was alleged, this time with a former Playboy model paid $150,000 to keep silent about her own affair with Trump.
