
US Doctor Accused of Molesting Female Gymnasts, Sentenced to Years in Prison

The court has declared their decision on former US sports doctor Larry Nassar, charged with sexual misconduct towards young female gymnasts.

According to the court hearing result, Nassar will spend from 40 to 125 years in prison, pleading guilty to three counts of criminal charges in Eaton County, Michigan.

In these conditions, he will spend 40 years imprisoned and then he would be able to apply for a remission of the sentence.

Declaring the court's resolution, the judge reminded him of a huge impact of his actions.

"I am not convinced that you truly understand that what you did was wrong and the devastating impact that you've had on the victims, family and friends," Judge Janice Cunningham stated.

This is the third sentence in Eaton County court in as many months for Nassar, a former doctor for USA Gymnastics and Michigan State University. Larry Nassar has been sexually assaulting young girls for over two decades.

Amid the tense atmosphere of three weeks of hearing, Randy Margraves, a father of a Nassar's victim tried to attack him in the court. As Margraves explained later, he lost control, but gained it back, saying that all he wanted was a minute in a locked room with the "demon."

The first woman who brought Nassar's insult to public attention in 2016 was Rachael Denhollander. Addressing the court in Eaton County on Friday, she stated:

"How much is a little girl worth? I am asking you to tell these little girls, tell the young women, tell the watching world, that they are worth everything," Denhollander stated to the judge.    

Over 260 women and girls claimed they were assaulted by the doctor, the first episodes date back to the 1990s. 

Following the sex scandal, Michigan State was accused of repeatedly missing opportunities to stop the doctor, who had a campus office and was famous in sports medicine.
