
Israeli Man Finds Penis Drawing and 'Long Live Palestine' Note in His Passport

25-year-old Tal Y’aakobi claims to have received an extraordinary stamping from a “hostile” Chilean border official, who detained him for an hour and a half “for no reason” after crossing the border from Argentina.

The angry young man asserted that a border guard drew a phallus and wrote “Viva Palestina” on his passport.

“From the first moment, the guy at the border was hostile, and threw my passport in front of my face. They then detained us for an hour and a half on purpose until we moved. There was no reason to do this, only because I am Jewish,” Y’aakobi told The Independent.

Y’aakobi, who found the message four days later, regards it as a racial insult. The document’s replacement cost the man 1230 shekels (nearly $280).
