
WATCH: Amazing View of China's Longest Sea Bridge (PHOTO, VIDEO)

The state corporation China Communications Construction has built a bridge across the sea linking southern Guangdong province, China's main manufacturing hub, with Hong Kong and Macau.

China has opened the world's longest sea bridge between Guangdong province, Hong Kong, and Macau. The length of the structure is 55 kilometers, of which 38 kilometers are sections of the bridge. For comparison, the length of the Crimean bridge is 19 km. The main part of the bridge is a 29.6 km of double three-lane carriageway that includes a 6.7 km underwater tunnel between two artificial islands and three raised sections above the water's surface.

The project's cost is estimated at 110 billion yuan (almost 16 billion dollars). Around 22% of the total costs were financed by the government, and the remaining 78% — a consortium of banks led by the Bank of China.
