
Store Pulls Children's T-Shirt Featuring Women in Bikinis From Shelves in UK

TK Maxx has withdrawn the Quicksilver top from its store in the UK following a single complaint from a Twitter user over the “appropriateness” of its design.

A customer took to Twitter to draw the retailer’s attention to the shirt, available both in boys’ and men’s size, showing women in bikinis and a caption that reads “Sweet Paradise” below and above the picture. TK Maxx immediately responded to Gina Kendall’s outcry, promising to remove the top from stores, as it took “matters of appropriateness” seriously.

In January 2018, the Swedish clothing giant H&M was embroiled in a racism scandal after letting a black boy model pose in a hoodie with a text reading “coolest monkey in the jungle.” Following the uproar, the item was removed from the company’s Swedish online store. H&M apologized for what many described as insensitive association between the boy model and a hateful slur against black people.
