
'I Try Like Hell': Trump's Bold Effort to Hide Bald Spot

US President Donald Trump has said he goes to great lengths to disguise the bald spot which revealed itself in a recent photo taken as he was boarding his Air Force One aircraft.

While taking the floor at the Conservative Political Action Conference on Friday, Trump turned around onstage and touched the back of his famous yellowish hair:

"I try like hell to hide that bald spot, folks," he was cited as saying.

Accompanied by the crowd’s cheers, Trump glanced at a screen and praised the way his hair was arranged.

During the 2016 presidential election campaign, then-candidate Trump allowed a woman tug the hair on top of his head to prove it is real. 

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Trump has invited doubters to feel his hair on more than one occasion. Larry King famously touched it during a 2004 live interview and confirmed that it did not seem to be a wig or a combover, which aging men resort to to disguise their balding heads. Even Megyn Kelly, former Fox News journalist and political commentator, now over her feud with Trump, recently admitted the genuineness of the president’s tresses saying she had an opportunity to "shove her hands up in it" herself.

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The tests, though, were performed only on the front of his hairline, since he usually places his own hand over most of his head when somebody reaches out for his hair.

There have been some reports recently stating that the assertion  that the hair is real adds to Trump’s self-recognition, allegedly allowing him to thus create an image of a man more capable of delivering on promises he made to America. 

The president's bald spot was exposed Feb. 2 when he turned away from cameras while climbing aboard Air Force One. A gust of wind blew aside a flap of his chevelure then.
