
US-Led Coalition: No Value in Russia's Proposal for UN Commission on Raqqa

WASHINGTON (Sputnik) - The US-led Coalition does not see any value in a proposal put forth by Russia to establish a UN-led international humanitarian commission to assess the situation in Syria's Raqqa, Operation Inherent Resolve press office told Sputnik.

Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said earlier on Monday that Russia is proposing setting up an international humanitarian commission on the basis of the United Nations to assess the situation in Raqqa.

When asked whether they would support the creation of such a commission, Operation Inherent Resolve press office said, "The Coalition supports a United Nations-sanctioned peace process in Syria that will take into account the equities of all parties involved."

"We do not see value in a parallel effort by Russia," the press office said.

Russia Proposes Creation of Int'l Commission on Syria's Raqqa - Minister
Shoigu explained that because of the complicated situation in Raqqa neither the delivery of humanitarian aid nor the reconstruction of the region had been launched, which has made impossible for displaced people to return to the area.

Earlier on Friday, the Russian defense minister proposed to establish humanitarian corridors and introduce a humanitarian pause at the Rukban refugee camp in the At-Tanf region.

The Daesh controlled Raqqa since 2013 and declared it its capital a year later. In late 2016, the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), with the support of the US-led Coalition, started an operation to free the city from the terror group. In October 2017, the SDF announced Raqqa fully liberated.
