By Any Means Necessary

Torture Victims Can Sue Contractor; Arts and Movements Intersect

Torture victims can sue military contractor; Agricultural worker rights; Trump's parade; the intersection of arts and movements.

On this episode of "By Any Means Necessary" hosts Eugene Puryear and Sean Blackmon are joined by John Kiriakou, co-Host of Radio Sputnik's 'Loud and Clear' to talk about a Virginia federal judge's ruling that the private military contractor CACI Premier Technology may be sued for its role in torture that took place at Abu Ghraib prison, what the decision will mean for government whistle-blowers moving forward, and how many military contractors got rich from the 9/11 attacks.

In the second segment Liberation News editor Ben Becker to talk about Donald Trump's commitment to holding a war parade in Washington, DC, the psychology behind a war parade in relatively peaceful times, the factions of American elitism, and the efforts to hold a counterprotest against the war parade.

In the third segment Eugene Puryear and Sean Blackmon are joined by Baldemar Velasquez, President of the Farm Labor Organizing Committee, AFL-CIO, to talk about the efforts of FLOC to pressure the Mexican government to defend their citizens who travel to the US with H2A guest worker visas to work in the fields, the lack of protections for US migrant workers in the agricultural sector, what Donald Trump's anti-immigrant rhetoric means for organizing migrants, the need to build institutions for and by the poor and what he makes of Mexican President Enrique Nieto cancelling his trip to the United States.

Later in the show Strother Gaines, Artistic Director with TBD Immersive and Sputnik News Analyst Bob Schlehuber to talk about TBD Immersive's new show "Cabaret Rising", the intersection between art and social movements, David Mamet writing a play about Harvey Weinstein, and 'Clueless' actress Stacy Dash running for Congress in California. The group also talks about how gentrification destroys community art, the uberisation of American cities, and yet another DC Public School scandal.
