Breaking news, as well as the most pressing issues of political, economic and social life. Opinion and analysis. Programs produced and made by journalists from Sputnik studios.

Turning Point? North-South Talks Open Door to Ending Korean War

On today's episode of Loud & Clear, Brian Becker and John Kiriakou are joined by Simone Chun, a fellow at the Korea Policy Institute and a member of the Korean Peace Network, and Tim Shorrock, a Washington-based investigative journalist who grew up in Japan and South Korea and who wrote “Spies for Hire: The Secret World of Outsourced Intelligence.”

In a bold move that has taken Washington by surprise, North Korea said today that it was willing to discuss scrapping its nuclear program if the United States was willing to discuss security guarantees.

The hosts continue the weekly series looking at the economic issues of the day, including Trump's tariffs and the potential trade war they could instigate. Brian and John speak with financial policy analyst Daniel Sankey.

The West Virginia state senate today agreed to give striking teachers-and all other state employees-the five percent raise they had sought, a move that will likely end the walkout, which began on February 22. Travis Boothe, an organizer with the Morgantown Tenants Union, and Frank Lara, a member of the executive board of the United Educators of San Francisco, join the show.

No doubt you know about the infamous Steele Dossier, written by former British spy Christopher Steele. Well, it turns out there was a second Steele Dossier. And it concludes that it was the Russians who blocked Mitt Romney from becoming Secretary of State. Meanwhile, the death in London of a Russian ex-spy who worked as a double agent for the UK government has prompted allegations of an assassination attempt. Alexander Mercouris, the editor in chief of The Duran, joins the show.

The last four high schools in the working-class Chicago neighborhood of Englewood closed recently as Mayor Rahm Emanuel's appointed school board responded to gentrification trends. But now, the poor and people of color will have to be bused out of their neighborhoods to get an education. Kofi Ademola, an organizer with the Black Lives Matter movement, joins Brian and John.

It's the dirty little secret of Big Pharma. The American taxpayer is funding Big Pharma's research and development, primarily through the National Institutes of Health. So where do all those pharmaceutical profits go? Straight into the pockets of corporate leaders and investors. There's a new study out by the Center for Integration of Science and Industry (CISI) that we'll dive into today. Bryn Gay, the Hepatitis C Virus Project Co-Director at Treatment Action Group who has previous policy and advocacy experience with the United Nations, Doctors of the World and The North-South Institute, joins the show.

Thad Cochran, the Republican senior senator from Mississippi, announced yesterday that he is resigning effective April 1 due to ill health. Both of that state's senate seats will now be up for grabs in November and will pit the establishment right wing against the alt-right. Brian and John speak with Jim Jatras, a political analyst, a former US diplomat, and a former senior foreign policy advisor to the US Senate Republican leadership.

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