
Hundreds of Demonstrators Protest in Pro-Kurdish Rally in Paris (PHOTO, VIDEO)

Hundreds are taking part in an unauthorized pro-Kurdish demonstration in the middle of France's capital, protesting Turkish operation in Afrin.

The rally takes place in the heart of Paris, near the Elysee Palace. The protesters demonstrating against Turkish operation in Afrin, holding the signs, saying "Afrin is not alone".

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Une manifestation pro-kurde à Paris
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Une manifestation pro-kurde à Paris
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Une manifestation pro-kurde à Paris
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Une manifestation pro-kurde à Paris

​​There are 300 to 400 people are taking part in the demonstration, According to several reports. The protesters promising to bring 10,000 people to rally on Sunday, witnesses report.

On January 20, Ankara launched a military operation dubbed "Olive Branch" in Syria's Afrin. The goal of the operation was to "clear" Turkey's Syrian border from the terrorist threat, according to Ankara. The town of Afrin reportedly remains under control of the Kurdish People's Protection Units (YPG), which, along with the northern Syrian Kurdish political party PYD is considered by Turkey to be linked to the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK), designated as a terrorist organization in Turkey and several other countries.
