
Chinese Woman Demands $158,000 From IKEA Amid Injuries From Broken Glass

The Beijing resident was about to take a sip of water from the glass she had bought at an IKEA store, when it suddenly burst.

A young Chinese woman named Wang has filed a lawsuit against an IKEA store demanding the payment of one million yuan (about $158,000) in compensation after she lost her front tooth and injured her lips because of a broken glass, China Central Television reported.

The glass burst just when Wang going to drink out of it. The shards from the glass cut the woman's lips, and broke one of her front teeth.

As a result of the incident, which occurred in May 2017, the young woman had to be taken to the hospital. According to medical records, she was given four stitches and had her broken tooth removed.

Later, the woman said that because of the injuries sustained she had to visit the hospital 12 times. She also claimed to have suffered psychological trauma after the incident, resulting in insomnia, panic attacks and constant anxiety.

According to reports, Wang contacted IKEA representatives several times with a request to cover her medical expenses related to the incident, but her request went unanswered.

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After that, she decided to sue the store for improper quality of goods.

The court session was scheduled for Thursday, but IKEA representatives did not appear in the courtroom. The hearing is expected to be postponed to a later date.
