By Any Means Necessary

Facebook is Not Your Friend; US Invasion of Iraq Anniversary

FBI spying on BLM Activist, racial implications in Texas bombings, Facebook data breech, and the Anniversary of the US invasion of Iraq

On this episode of "By Any Means Necessary" Eugene Puryear and Sean Blackmon are joined by Dr. Dave Ragland, Senior Bayard Rustin Fellow at the Fellowship of Reconciliation, to talk about a new article in the Intercept highlighting the FBI and Department of Homeland Security's surveillance of Black Lives Matter activists and the long history of the FBI's efforts to divide and conquer leftist movements.

In a special second segment "By Any Means Necessary" is joined by Ashton P. Woods, Community Activist with Black Lives Matter Houston, and Chas Moore, Co-founder, and Executive Director of the Austin Justice Coalition to talk about the ongoing series of bombings in Austin, Texas, the racial implications to the bombings and the media coverage of them, and the long history of violent efforts to stop black activists and movements.

In the third segment technologist Chris Garrafa joins the show to talk about the ways Cambridge Analytica and other companies harvest data from Facebook, the business model used by Facebook that leads to mass data collection of its users, Google and other tech giants coordination with the US Government and spy agencies, and ways to protect yourself and your data online.

Later in the show Sputnik News analysts Walter Smolarek and Bob Schlehuber join the show to talk about the 15th Anniversary of the US invasion of Iraq, Venezuela's usage of cryptocurrency, upcoming Brazilian elections, and the announcement that the Trump Administration will aggressively work to sell more drones to their global allies.

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