
'Sack Clown' Boris: Johnson's Hitler-Russia Comparison Angers Social Media Users

Social media users have joined the Kremlin spokesperson in condemning the comment by the UK Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson, who has compared the upcoming the World Cup in Russia to the 1936 Olympics under Hitler.

"It is absolutely outrageous statement, it does not fit the Foreign Minister of the country… It is undoubtedly offensive and unacceptable," Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters on Thursday. 

On Wednesday, the UK Foreign Sec agreed with a Labour lawmaker who likened the World Cup hosted by Russia this summer to Adolf Hitler's use of the 1936 Olympics for political purposes.

"I think the comparison with 1936 is certainly right," he said. "I think it's an emetic prospect, frankly, to think of Putin glorying in this sporting event."    

During a press conference on March 22, the Russian Ambassador to the UK Alexander Yakovenko in response to a reporter's question said:  

"The British government is free to make a decision  about its participation in the World Cup but nobody has the right to insult the Russian people who defeated Nazism and lost more than 25 million people  by comparing our country to Nazi Germany. That goes beyond the common sense and we don’t think the British war veterans, including those of the Arctic Convoys, would share this opinion."

Johnson's remark was found unacceptable by online users, who rushed to point out Russia's crucial role and sacrifice in the fight against Nazi Germany. Twitter commentators also called Johnson's statement an "embarrassment."
