By Any Means Necessary

Do Democrats Not Want You to Vote?; Trump's Desire for War With Iran

Big money politicians win in IL., Chicago Police decent decree, Trump's desire to war with Iran, and the politically co-opting of movements.

On this episode of "By Any Means Necessary" Eugene Puryear and Sean Blackmon are joined by Walter Smolarek, Sputnik News Analyst to talk about the latest in Syria, Eastern Ghouta and how the American corporate media spins the narrative to justify militarism.

In a special second segment "By Any Means Necessary" is joined by Chicago-based community activist Kohmee Parrett to talk about the primary results throughout Illinois, how politicians in the state buy elections, the low turnout rate in the election, the limited hopes of the latest Chicago Police consent decree leading to meaningful change, and the saint-like status police in America have obtained.

In the third segment activist Leila Zand joins the show to talk about the Trump administration's moves towards escalating conflict with Iran, the US' aggressive efforts to sell the Saudis weapons, the softball media coverage Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman has received on his US trip, and the failure of the US Congress to end US support for the Saudi war in Yemen.

Later in the show Aaron Goggans, organizer with Black Lives Matter DC and Ra Shad Frazier-Gaines, Founder of the Black Progressives join Eugene Puryear and Sean Blackmon on the show to talk about the politics behind this weekend's March For Our Lives, the disingenuous nature of establishment politicians who try to co-opt movements, and Chicago machine politics. The group also talks about how to integrate political education into movement building, black movie history, the guests' movie and tv recommendations and the intersection between the decline of public education and leftist movement building efforts.

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