
Medical Start-Up Will Reportedly Use Military Tech to Develop Individual Diets

The company is willing to use military developments to analyze the mutations of bacteria inside peoples’ digestive systems. It believes a good diet can't be properly organized without comprehensive data on microorganisms living inside us.

Viome, a medical tech start-up in the US, has contacted the National Laboratories in the US to get access to the Express analysis of human biosecurity — technology, initially created for US military, reports the High Tech News online outlet. It is planning to use it for analyzing microorganisms living in the digestive systems of their clients.

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According to the company, germs there are constantly mutating under the influence of the harsh environment and not always successfully or in a pleasant way for a human host. Such processes cause illnesses and dysfunctions in the digestive system. In order to create diet suitable for a person's specific problems, Viome must first know what's living inside them. They are going to use the military tech to perform sequencing of the RNA of the organisms living in a person's stomach to find that out.

