
UK Defense Secretary Claims Arrest Warrant Issued for 'Doubtful’ Russian Capital

The UK, in response to a chemical attack in Salisbury, intends to take action against Russian capital of dubious origin, Defense Secretary Gavin Williamson said.

According to Defense Secretary Gavin Williamson, there are already warrants for the arrest of Russian finances of doubtful origin, for which a new law has recently begun to operate in the UK. The British goal is to ensure that any property attained by unknown means is registered, and for this, the necessary steps are being taken.

He promised that the government in the coming weeks and months would work very diligently and that these problems would be solved.

In his view, the goal of the Russian president is to "split the UK and its allies, but Estonia and many other states have shown that this is impossible."

READ MORE: Skripal Case: EU Gets 'Signals' US Wants to Expel Russian Diplomats — Reports

Russian Embassy: US-Russia Relations Should Stay Unaffected by Skripal Case
The UK and Russia Relations have seriously worsened over the Salisbury nerve agent attack in which former Russian intelligence officer Sergei Skripal and his daughter were seriously injured.

The UK side has affirmed that this substance is similar to the Novichok-class nerve agents developed in the Soviet Union.

UK Prime Minister Theresa May has accused Russia of orchestrating the attack and expelled 23 Russian diplomats as a punitive measure.

READ MORE: Russian MoD Says A234 Nerve Agent Allegedly Used Against Skripal Developed in US

The Russian side has denied all the accusations and suggested participating jointly in the investigation. However, Moscow's request for samples was ignored. Moscow in turn also expelled 23 UK diplomats and ordered the British Council to stop its activities in Russia in response to London's move.
