Fault Lines

With Near-Complete Turnover at the Top Will Trump Foreign Policy Change?

On this episode of Fault Lines, hosts Garland Nixon and Lee Stranahan will engage guests in discussion about the Trump Administration’s changes at the top levels at State, Central Intelligence etc.

If "personnel is policy" will these neocons in high places translate into different priorities and approaches vis-a-vis North Korea, Iran, China, Europe, Russia, Turkey, and other allies and adversaries?

They will also discuss the million-plus young people and supporters who made the March For Our Lives a historic outpouring of people and passion for common sense gun regulations. Will elected officials heed the calls of the up to 80% of Americans who demand action to address the bloodshed from guns? Or will the National Rifle Association lobbyists keep the Congress and President Trump hostage? They'll also discus "Mom-partisan" efforts for a safe, clean environment, prospects for summit or war with North Korea, and Facebook, as well as other top news and trending issues in the "Divided States of America."

Scheduled Guests:

Stephen Lendeman — stephenlendman.org Topic: Neocon Takeover of Washington

Sasha Tenenbaum — momscleanairforce.org, Twitter: @CleanAirMoms Topic: "Mom-partisan" efforts for a safe, clean environment

Don Kirk, reporting from Korea Topic: Prospects for summit or war

Benny Johnson Topic: Massive March For Our Lives in DC

Michael Krieger of LibertyBlitzkrieg.com Topic: Facebook 

We'd love to get your feedback at radio@sputniknews.com
