
Serbia Not to Expel Russian Diplomats Over Skripal Case

EU member states has expressed their "unqualified solidarity" with London over Skripal's poisoning, which was blamed on Moscow, however, not all countries followed the UK lead in expulsion of Russian diplomats.

Serbian President Aleksander Vucic told Russia's president Vladimir Putin in a telephone conversation that Serbia is not going to join other European countries and to remove Russian diplomats.

READ MORE: How Russian Diplomats' Expulsion Over Skripal Case Exposes Europe's Split

Over 25 countries, including some EU member states, as well as the United States, Canada and Australia have expressed their solidarity the UK side and announced their decisions to expel over 150 Russian diplomats over Moscow's alleged involvement in the Skripals' poisoning. However, some countries, among which are Austria, Luxembourg, Switzerland and Slovakia decided not to yield to pressure and did not take any anti-Russian measures.

Malta Recalling Ambassador to Russia for Consultations Over Skripal Case
On March 4, Skripal and his daughter Yulia were found unconscious on a bench at a shopping center in Salisbury and are currently being treated for exposure to what UK experts believe to be the A234 nerve agent. London immediately blamed the attack on Russia, claiming that the poisonous substance was developed in the Soviet Union.

The Russian side has vehemently denied the British side's accusations and offered assistance in the probe, requesting the samples of the chemical substance used to poison Skripal for examination. However, the UK rejected Moscow's demands.
