By Any Means Necessary

Egyptian Leader Sisi to be Re-Elected, Ethiopian Leader Appointed

Sisi is re-elected in Egypt, Ahmed appointed leader in Ethiopia, Catalan leader Puigdemont arrested, the failure of charter schools.

On this episode of "By Any Means Necessary" Eugene Puryear and Sean Blackmon are joined by Sputnik News Analyst Walter Smolarek to talk about the arrest of former Catalan president Carles Puigdemont in Germany, the future of the Catalan independence movement, and the fear EU leaders have over separatist movements.

In a special second segment "By Any Means Necessary" is joined by Jonathan Kuttab, Palestinian Human Rights Lawyer, to talk about the ongoing Egyptian elections, the low voter turnout in Egypt's elections, the state of the Muslim Brotherhood and democracy in the country.

In the third segment ProfessorHassan Hussein of St. Mary's University of Minnesota to talk about Abiy Ahmed being named as head of Ethiopia's ruling coalition, the challenges the young leader will face within the country, and whether or not Ahmed will be able to bring about the stability needed in the country and by extension the region.

Later in the show Jeremy Mohler, Communications Specialist from In the Public Interest, and Sputnik News analyst Bob Schlehuber join the show to talk about the latest in the efforts for Amazon to find a second headquarters location, the failure of charter schools in California, the rapidly rising cost of prisons, and the latest developments in the movement for justice in the police murder of Stephon Clark in Sacramento.

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