
WATCH: Man Tries to Save ‘Jesus’ by Hitting an Actor With a Helmet on Stage

A man in Brazil suddenly jumped onto a theater stage and attacked an actor portraying a Roman soldier who was about to ‘pierce’ the chest of the man playing the Jesus character.

The overly dramatic onstage depiction in the city of Nova Hartz in Brazil of the crucifixion of Jesus was suddenly interrupted by a viewer who could not cope with his personal emotions surrounding the legend of the death of a religious figure.

During the most dramatic part of the play, as smoke drifted and red lights flashed wildly, as an actor playing a Roman soldier was about to pierce the actor portraying Jesus with a spear, an audience member leapt onto the stage and attacked the actor playing the legionnaire with a shiny metal object which looks a lot like a metal helmet.

The attacker bashed the actor over the head, making his helmet fly off, and then attempted to brawl with the stage legionnaire, while Carl Orff's notoriously ponderous O Fortuna choral piece blared in the background.

Nice try, fellow, but where were you 2,000 years ago?
