
New York Magazine 'Trump' Cover Nearly Incites War on Twitter (PHOTO)

New York Magazine has surprised its readers with its brand-new cover, unveiled on April 1, which spurred much controversy among social media users.

The latest issue of the magazine features US President Donald Trump with a pig’s snout instead of his nose, with the headline reading “Not Collusion… Not Incompetence… Not Cruelty… It’s the Corruption, Stupid. Why His Self-Dealing is His Biggest Political Liability.” Jonathan Chait, the author of the cover story entitled “Corruption, Not Russia, Is Trump’s Greatest Political Liability,” addresses what he claims is the president’s “corruption” and “greed” in all dimensions of his tenure.

“Trump’s vision of an economy run by tight circles of politically connected oligarchs has reshaped America’s standing in the world. The same effect that applies at the personal level with Trump has appeared at the level of the nation-state. Small-d democratic leaders have recoiled from the Trump administration, while autocrats have embraced him. Similarly, the president and his inner circle feel most comfortable in the company of the wealthy and corrupt,” Chait wrote.

The cover, as well as the story, couldn’t go unnoticed on social media, with many twitterians praising the magazine for creativity and acuteness in their depiction of the president.

Some predicted a “twitterstorm” as soon as Trump, who’s fond of slamming media on his feed, wakes up:

Another user joined to the twitterstorm forecast, apparently alluding to Trump’s “obsession” with Amazon, which he has been extremely critical of due to its money-losing agreement with the US Postal Service:

Meanwhile, many others voiced support for the president and blasted the cover and the magazine itself for publishing fake news. They informed Twitter users that Trump has lost tons of money since taking the office:

There were those who demanded proof of his corruption:

Some users even noted that the media have already tried all methods possible to discredit Trump, but it has all been in vain:
