
'It Smelled Like Tar': Woman Claims She Visited Hell, Shares Details

People have been sharing their experiences of life after death in astonishing details in the hope of solving one of the world’s great unanswered questions – what happens to us when we die.

A woman in Britain believes she was going to Hell after suffering from a brain seizure in what she said was an “entirely distressing” experience before paramedics brought her back to life, the Express wrote.

“I'm suddenly falling down a hole that's just a little bit wider than my body. As I'm falling, I'm scrabbling on the crumbling inner walls of this hole for something to hold onto,” the woman, who simply gave her name as Audra, wrote for NDERF, a site which collects people’s near death experiences.

She added that it “smelled like tar,” that she couldn’t see anything and that there was some “rocky dusty substance” that was flying all over the place.

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“I couldn't breathe and I started shouting, 'Help me, I can't breathe!' But the more I shouted, the faster I fell,” she continued.
Although people have tried to convince Audra that the experience was a trick of the mind, she remains firmly convinced that she will be damned for eternity.

“There was no doubt in my mind that the experience had happened. I knew it was not 'wishful thinking' because of the negativity of the experience and also because I did not believe in it,” she insisted.

Specialists state, however, that there are scientific explanations for such extraordinary insights, which they say come from people resuscitated after they were considered medically dead.

“People describe a sensation of a bright, warm, welcoming light that draws people towards it. They describe a sensation of experiencing their deceased relatives and of separating from themselves and watching doctors and nurses working on them,” Dr. Sam Parnia, director of critical care and resuscitation research at NYU Langone School of Medicine in New York City, said.

He added that people, considered medically dead, later said that they could hear conversations going on around them.

READ MORE: 'Zombie Genes': There is Life After Death
