Fault Lines

Are Mainstream Media Outlets Trying to Silence Independent Voices?

On this episode of Fault Lines, guests join hosts Garland Nixon and Lee Stranahan are discussing the mainstream media’s (mis)coverage of Syria, the Skripal case, Russia, and other topics.

Fault Lines frequent guest Vanessa Beeley called BBC Trending's attacks or her and other journalists a "blatant attempt" to "silence independent journalism." Other Sputnik and RT guests have been pressured into silence. Are the mainstream media working to limit your right to hear diverse views? If so, what can you do about it?

The hosts will also engage guests in discussions about the ongoing blackout in Puerto Rico, in the Southwestern Hemisphere and other top news and trending issues in the "Divided States of America."

Scheduled guests and topics:

Stephen Lendman prolific independent journalist http://stephenlendman.org/ Topic: his article "True Targets of US-Led Aggression in Syria"

Joel Segal Former Top Congressional Staffer, National Ditection Justice Action Mobilization Network Topic: Puerto Rico Black Out

Ivan Eland, Author, Defense Policy Expert, Journalist Topic: Trump's Foreign Policy re: Syria and Korea

Austin Petersen — Candidate for Senate in Missouri | Topic: What are we doing in Syria?

We'd love to get your feedback at radio@sputniknews.com
