
'Justice's Bullsh*t': WATCH Spanish Protests as Men Cleared of Gang Rape Charges

Judges in the Spanish city of Pamplona have delivered a judgment on a two-year-old case which has inflamed public outrage, as did the offense itself and the subsequent trial process.

Protests have swept through the cities of Spain as five men accused of gang rape of a teenager during the 2016 Pamplona bulls festival were found guilty of the lesser offense of sexual abuse.

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People, holding placards, shouted slogans "This justice is bullsh*t," "It's not abuse, it's rape!" gathering outside the justice ministry in Madrid, the Plaça Sant Jaume in Barcelona and in a number of other cities.

​The verdict on the case was delivered at a court in Pamplona, the capital of the Navarre region in northern Spain. The five defendants were sentenced to nine years in prison and ordered to pay €10,000 each to the young woman, who was 18 years old at the time of the attack.

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The incident occurred two years ago at the Pamplona bulls festival, when five men, who called themselves "the wolf pack," offered to accompany the young woman to her car, but instead took her to the lobby of a building, attacked her while filming everything on their phones.

The judges characterized the attack as "continuous sexual abuse," but not rape. According to Spanish law, the lesser offense of sexual abuse does not involve violence or intimidation, which differs it from rape.
