By Any Means Necessary

Anti-Immigrant Stance in UK Forces Resignation; No Laughing in DC

US prisoners prepare national strike; UK Home Secretary resigns; Silicon Valley's economic inequality; racism on the golf course.

In the first segment Sputnik writer and news analyst Alex Rubinstein joins the show to talk about a recent incident at Lee Correctional Institution in South Carolina that lead to calls for national prisoners strike between August 21st and September 9th and the deplorable conditions America's prisoners are living in.

In a special second segment we're joined by Jodi-Ann Quarrie, international human rights lawyer and research assistant at the Centre for Reparation Research, to talk about the resignation of Amber Rudd as Home Secretary of UK, whether or not British Prime Minister Theresa May's own anti-immigrant pass will force her to resign, and the history of the Caribbean migrants known as the "Windrush Generation" in the UK.

Prof. Richard Walker, Professor of Geography, UC-Berkely, author of Pictures of a Gone City: Tech and the Dark Side of Prosperity in the San Francisco Bay Area joins "By Any Means Necessary" to talk about the urbanization of the San Francisco Bay Area, the changing demographics of the area, the role the tech industry plays in exacerbating wealth inequality, and why tax subsidies are a bad idea for governments in their effort to attract new businesses.

Later in the show activist and organizer Aurelia Williams joins the show to talk about Benjamin Netanyahu's presentation on Iran's alleged nuclear program, the shaming of Black women in classrooms and golf courses, and comedienne Michelle Wolf's routine at the White House Correspondents' Dinner.

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