
French Filmmaker 'Challenges Intl Community's Image of Gaza' via Exclusive VIDEO

As the UN continues to advocate restraint for all parties involved in the ongoing mass protests along the border between Israel and the Gaza Strip, a French-Israeli filmmaker seeks to challenge the current narrative of these rallies and show their "other side."

"Behind the Smoke," a short movie made by a French-Israeli filmmaker known as Pierre Rehov, invites viewers to witness footage allegedly recorded by his Palestinian collaborators during recent weeks in the Gaza Strip and is aimed at providing a different angle on the ongoing protests known as the Great March of Return, according to Israeli media.

According to the disclaimer for Rehov’s video, the author sought to expose the way Hamas builds its "propaganda at the expense of brainwashed, deceived and manipulated unfortunate people," and to explain to the world "why Israel has no choice but to protect itself using lethal force."

READ MORE: About 7,000 Palestinians Riot Next to Gaza Border, Hurl Explosives — IDF (VIDEO)

Palestinians have been holding mass rallies along the fence, blocking the Gaza Strip from Tel Aviv-controlled territory for six weeks – since March 30. The protests, called the Great March of Return, are aimed at returning Palestinians displaced by Israel's war of independence in 1948.

READ MORE: Palestinians Launch Burning Kites From Gaza, Israel Reports Retaliatory Strike

Even though dozens of the rallies’ participants were killed and over a 1,000 injured, the protesters appear intent on continuing the march until May 15, the Israeli Independence Day, when they will commemorate the 70th anniversary of the displacement of the Palestinian population, which Palestinians call "al-Nakba," or "the catastrophe."
