
Chinese Firm Unveils Next Gen Sex Doll (VIDEO)

A video has been released by the Chinese robotics firm DS Doll giving customers a glance of next generation sex dolls which the firm plans to market across the globe.

The video shows a creepy realistic sex robot, hooked up to wires, that blinks and moves its mouth while speaking in Mandarin, publication the Daily Star reported.

Later in the video the doll is seen performing a full body movement which has never been seen before in a cyborg.

The sex doll is wearing a flowy golden robe as it moves its shoulders, nods its head and even makes a few facial expressions while looking at the camera.

​The DS Doll firm said that it can become the world’s first company to mass produce and sell self-sufficient sex robots with artificial intelligence and full body movement.

“Sam, marketing manager for DS Doll, said the sex robot with shoulder and neck movement seen in the video will be included in the second generation design,” the Daily Star reported.

According to Sam, there is a possibility of removable limbs, similar to the EX-Lite doll mechanisms. The prototype is currently a bust, but the body is also being worked on at the moment.

“The second generation will have AI similar to Siri or Alexa so as to converse with you, and give a more interactive experience that [sic] generation one,” he told the Daily Star.

DS Doll will be controlled using an app; it will not, however, have AI capabilities, but will be able to “display an array of facial expressions at your will”.

Other features include playing music and voice recordings.

Since DS Doll was established in 2010, the company has been producing around 400 custom models of all shapes and sizes per month. Its premium-range offers cost between £2,895 ($4,080) and £3,195 ($4,503).
