Fault Lines

Contending with Propaganda and Disinformation from the Deep State

On this episode of Fault Lines, hosts Garland Nixon and Lee Stranahan discuss the constant barrage of propaganda thrown at the American public presented as objective news. Whether through deception, omission, or outright mendacity, news and media manipulation has become an unfortunate staple of our current media landscape.

Scheduled Guests:

Alex Krainer — Author of "Grand Deception: The Browder Hoax" | How is Wikipedia Able to Shape Reality

Stephen Lendman — Writer and Geopolitical Analyst | Some Disturbing Developments in Ukraine

Vanessa Beeley — Independent Journalist | Why is the Media "On Trial" Over Syria and Libya?

Tom Luongo — Geopolitical Analyst and Publisher of the Gold Goats 'n Guns Newsletter | Germany, Italy, and the Current State of European Politics

Wikipedia is a go-to source for may people around the world to get facts and information. As a result, regular editors on the site have great influence in framing how different pages and entries are presented. Alex Krainer, author of the book, "Grand Deception: The Browder Hoax" joins Garland and Lee to discuss this topic and the shadowy Wikipedia editor known as "Philip Cross."

Facebook has been aggressively working to repair its image after many users have lost trust in the Silicon Valley giant. This effort has led Facebook into a new partnership with the influential 'Atlantic Council.' Given the history of the Atlantic Council, is this another misguided move by Facebook, or do Zuckerberg and company know exactly who they are partnering alongside?

For the final segment of the show, geopolitical analyst Tom Luongo returns to Fault Lines to break down the current state of politics in the European Union. With concerns over immigration on the rise and the emergence of the 'Five Star Movement' in Italy, how might the political structures in Europe evolve in the coming months and years?

We'd love to get your feedback at radio@sputniknews.com
