Two persons were killed and 18 others injured. The train driver reportedly died at the scene, while the second victim died of the wounds at a Turin hospital shortly after being airlifted there by helicopter.
[24.05-00:40] Arè di #Caluso#Torino#incidente ferroviario scontro tra #treno passeggeri e camion +1 morto +22
— Emergenza24 (@Emergenza24) 23 мая 2018 г.
The truck with a Lithuanian license plate caused the accident near the Caluso community, north of Turin, after it entered the rail crossing as the train approached.
#UltimOra Grave incidente sulla linea ferroviaria #Torino-Ivrea. Treno travolge camion fermo sui binari e deraglia. Almeno una vittima e diversi feriti.
— Tg2 (@tg2rai) 23 мая 2018 г.
The locomotive and two of the three carriages went off the rail, knocking down a power pole. Local authorities have launched investigation into the deadly incident.