"The results in 2017 were better than in 2016. It was a good year and many companies experienced double digit growth of business in Russia, so far 2018 looks even set to top that. The relations have two sides, the business relationship continues to be good and healthy, and the political relations continue to be challenging and we certainly hope that our diplomats do what they can to fix that side of it," Rodzianko said at the Russian-US business dialogue session of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF).
READ MORE: Business Remains Last Constructive Relationship Between Russia and US — AmCham
The SPIEF, held annually in Russia's second largest city of St. Petersburg, is a major networking hub for entrepreneurs and a global platform for the discussion of crucial economic issues. The event began on Thursday and will continue through Saturday. Rossiya Segodnya International Information Agency is the official media partner of the forum.