
Italian PM-Designate Conte Fails to Form New Government - President's Office

ROME (Sputnik) - Italian Prime Minister-Designate Giuseppe Conte couldn't form a new government, Ugo Zampetti, an official at the president's office, said Sunday.

"President [Sergio Mattarella] has received Prof. Giuseppe Conte…. who returned the mandate given to him on May 23 to form the government. The president has thanked him for his effort in fulfilling this task," Zampetti said, as aired by Rai broadcaster.

President Sergio Mattarella authorized Zampetti to form the government on Wednesday.

READ MORE: Europe to Criticize New Italian Gov't in Case of New Accords With Moscow — Lega

According to media reports, the president rejected the candidature of eurosceptic Paolo Savona for the post of the minister of economy.

Italy's Lega Hopes to Get Enough Gov’t Posts to Implement Its Agenda - Member
Italy's populist Five Star Movement (M5S) and far-right Lega party proposed to Mattarella the candidacy of Conte on Monday.

The Italian parliamentary election was held on March 4 and resulted in the M5S securing more than 32 percent of the vote. The center-right coalition, consisting of the Lega party, the center-right Forza Italia and the Brothers of Italy movement, got 37 percent of the vote. The Democratic Party won about 20 percent of the vote. None of the parties obtained the majority of votes required for the government formation.



