
US Issues New Sanctions Against Iran - Treasury Department

The US Treasury Department announced Wednesday that Washington had imposed new sanctions on Iran. In particular, the US sanctioned six individuals and three companies.

"America stands with the people of Iran, and Treasury is taking action to hold the Iranian regime accountable for ongoing human rights abuses, censorship, and other despicable acts it commits against its own citizens," Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said in the statement.

The sanctions target Director-General of Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting Abdulali Ali-Asgari, Ansar-e Hezbollah leaders Hossein Allahkarah, Abdolhamid Mohtasham and Hamid Ostad, Secretary of Iran's Supreme Cyberspace Council Abolhassan Firouzabadi and Iranian judiciary official Abdolsamad Khoramabadi, the US Treasury Department's statement said.

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The Treasury Department also imposed new sanctions on Ansar-e Hezbollah, Evin Prison, Hanista Programing Group, Al-Bilad Islamic Bank for Investment and Finance, Al-Naser Airlines and Dart Airlines, the statement added.

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Ever since Trump withdrew from the nuclear deal with Iran, the US has been resorting to sanctions pressure against Tehran in what the Treasury said was the US president's "aggressive campaign" against Iran's elite Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC).

On May 22, Washington imposed sanctions on five members of the IRGC over their alleged efforts to provide missile support to Yemen's Houthi militants. Previously, the Treasury sanctioned six individuals, including Valiollah Seif, the head of Iran's central bank, over alleged ties to the IRGC and the Hezbollah movement, which Washington considers to be a terrorist group.
