
Old Blog Posts Reveal MSNBC Host Joy Reid’s 9/11 Truther Past

Recently unveiled blog posts written by MSNBC host Joy Reid in 2006 reveal that the 45-year-old Brooklyn native encouraged her followers to watch a 9/11 conspiracy documentary that suggested the 2001 attacks were an inside job orchestrated by the US government.

Saved by internet archivist the Wayback Machine, the post from Reid's now-defunct blog was dated Wednesday, March 22, 2006, and titled "the official story."

"I might have posted this before, but there's an updated version of a documentary now called "Loose Change 9/11," Reid wrote. "The fundamental question is: do you believe the official story of 9/11? If you do, great. If you don't, then everything that happened after that is called into serious question."

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"Even if you're agnostic, or you tend to believe that al-Qaida attacked the World Trade Center and Pentagon and that the government had no warning such a thing could happen, it's worth taking a second look."

The documentary, which was originally produced in 2005, is an 80-minute long video created and directed by filmmaker Dylan Avery. The film was produced in part by Infowars' Alex Jones.

But the March 22 post wasn't even the first time that Reid questioned what happened on September 11. In a post dated Saturday, March 4, 2006, the MSNBC host suggested it was odd how the US government managed to identify those responsible for the attacks so quickly, saying, "we sure knew a lot about these plotters in a very short time."

Reid also went on to question why the World Trade Center 7 (WTC 7) building collapsed, even though it wasn't hit by an airplane, a common inquiry posed by skeptics.

"And there still are other questions about the attacks that have never been answered (how and why did WTC 7, which wasn't hit by an aircraft, collapse? For that matter, why did any of the WTV buildings fall…?)," she added in the post titled, "Flashback: September 30, 2001."

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According to a May 2002 building performance study (BPS) conducted by FEMA and specialists from the Structural Engineering Institute of the American Society of Civil Engineers, both the North and South Towers collapsed following extensive structural damage caused by the hijacked planes. Hours after the first two towers came down, the WTC 7 building, adjacent to the main complex, collapsed from fires that had been ignited when the North Tower collapsed. The BPS report stated that the fires "further weakened the steel-framed structures, eventually leading to total collapse."

Reid's posts were first revealed by Buzzfeed on Wednesday.

Reid previously came under fire last month after she tried to brush off homophobic comments she made on her blog as the work of hackers — only to be slapped down by a statement from the Wayback Machine stressing that there was no evidence to support her claims that hackers had messed with the archive site's database. In response to the April revelations, Reid was stripped of PFLAG National's Straight for Equality in Media Award.

A total of 19 men affiliated with al-Qaeda implemented the 9/11 attacks, in which four commercial airliners were hijacked and three flown into buildings, killing 3,000. Fifteen of the hijackers were citizens of Saudi Arabia, while others came from the United Arab Emirates, Egypt and Lebanon.
