
CIA Tries to Recruit People Who Speak Russian, Fails English

This April 13, 2016 file photo shows the seal of the Central Intelligence Agency at CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia.
CIA employees ended up making a mistake in their own language while trying to recruit foreign language speaking specialists.

The latest bid by the US Central Intelligence Agency to enlist Russian-speaking workers produced an unexpected result due to a grammar mistake making its way in the recruitment notice posted on Twitter.

Somehow, the person or persons writing the tweet somehow managed to slip up using English by asking their prospective candidates if they were "an US candidate with a college degree." Ironically, the phrase 'Do you speak Russian?', written in Russian and featured in a picture in the tweet, did not contain any mistakes.


The mistake did not elude the watchful eye of the Twitter audience.

​Some people who didn’t notice the mistake or possibly chose to ignore also cracked jokes about the post itself, wondering whether it’s some kind of elaborate trap.
