Fault Lines

Supreme Court's Wedding Cake Ruling Sparks Fiery Debates

On this episode of Fault Lines, hosts Garland Nixon and Lee Stranahan discuss the Supreme Court's ruling in favor of a Colorado baker who refused service to a gay couple. The decision brought about the heated debate which was on full display between Garland and Lee on today's show.

Scheduled Guests: (Show 7-10 AM ET)

John Dempsey — Columnist for Townhall.com and BearingArms.com | Is the Tommy Robinson Case a Human Rights Issue?

Joel Segal — National Director for the Justice Action Mobilization Network | Did the Supreme Court get the 'Gay Wedding Cake' Ruling Correct?

Daniel Lazare — Author and Freelance Journalist | Are the Deep State Spooks Spooking Themselves?

Colin Kalmbacher — Editor at Law & Crime News | Can President Trump Pardon Himself?

Bryan Caplan — Professor of Economics at George Mason University | NEW BOOK: The Case Against Education

The case of Tommy Robinson's arrest in the UK has brought about questions regarding free speech and freedom of the press. John Dempsey, a columnist for Townhall.com and BearingArms.com wrote an article about Robinson's treatment which he will discuss with Garland and Lee on today's program.

There has been a lot of news in recent days about the possibility of President Trump offering himself a pardon. Colin Kalmbacher, Editor at Law & Crime News returns to Fault Lines to discuss what would happen should President Trump decide to take such an action.

For the final segment of the show, Bryan Caplan, a professor of economics at George Mason University, joins Garland and Lee to talk about his new book entitled, 'The Case against Education: Why the Education System Is a Waste of Time and Money.' The question has become, what educational priorities should parents and students be pursuing in 2018?

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