
Burger King Forced to Shut Down After Viral Video of Rodents Crawling Over Food

The incident occurred in the US city of Wilmington, Delaware, and the restaurant immediately closed after the complaints were received. It turned out that rats were spotted in a package of semi-finished products, shocking the public.

According to NBC News' Philadelphia affiliate, mice were caught on camera running around inside a package of burger buns at a Burger King franchise in Wilmington, Delaware; the video swiftly went viral on social media. The footage posted to Facebook shows the rodents inside the bag of bread, so their interaction with food was direct. The Office of Food Protection (OFP) of Delaware Health and Social Services stepped in to shut down the franchise, located on Concord Pike, which they deemed an “imminent health hazard” because of "gross unsanitary conditions" and "rodent infestation." However, it has since re-opened.

READ MORE:Rats! Not-so-Adorable Rodents Multiplying in Scandinavian Cities

According to NBC, health inspectors found mouse droppings inside hamburger and chicken sandwich buns, as well as on the floor, near the water heater, and behind fryers. OFP inspectors also found plastic that appeared to have been chewed through by mice, as well as a leaking ceiling in the kitchen and flies. 

The regional management of Burger King demanded that the local franchisee take all the necessary measures to eliminate the problems. The family of mice was neutralized, and the buns were recycled. Nevertheless, many locals have had second thoughts about visiting the eatery.

The video with the mice crawling through the buns has already generated more than 742,000 views and 22,000 shares.


