Breaking news, as well as the most pressing issues of political, economic and social life. Opinion and analysis. Programs produced and made by journalists from Sputnik studios.

Battle for Peace Has Just Begun: US Elites Sabotaging US-Korea Process

On today's episode of Loud & Clear, John Kiriakou and Walter Smolarek are joined by Patrick Lawrence, author of “Time No Longer: Americans After the American Century” and columnist at The Nation, whose work is can be found at, as well as by co-host Brian Becker, who is in Singapore, covering the summit.

The intense struggle over the budding peace process in Korea continued today, as President Trump said this morning that North Korea "is no longer a nuclear threat," but a full mobilization of the corporate media and a wide range of politicians in Congress is seeking to undermine the progress made in Singapore.

Beyond Nuclear with Kevin Kamps is Loud & Clear's regular Wednesday segment. The hosts and Kevin look at nuclear issues, including weapons, energy, waste, and the future of nuclear technology in the United States. Today they focus on the proposed nuclear and coal bailout, as well as localities pushing back against poorly designed nuclear waste disposal. Kevin Kamps, the Radioactive Waste Watchdog at the organization Beyond Nuclear, and Loud & Clear producer Nicole Roussell join the show.

South Carolina Congressman Mark Sanford was defeated in the Republican primary yesterday by a state legislator who criticized him for not supporting President Trump strongly enough. Trump tweeted his opposition to Sanford just hours before the polls closed yesterday. And that appears to have been enough to seal his fate. Brian and John speak with Ted Rall, an award-winning editorial cartoonist and columnist whose work is at

Republican leaders late last night managed to pull together a long-awaited immigration agreement that satisfied both moderates and conservatives. The agreement calls for votes next week on two different immigration bills, a conservative one that will likely be defeated, and one that the Republican leadership will write this week with input from both of their factions. Miguel Andrade, the communications manager at the immigrant rights advocacy organization Juntos, and a member of the Board of Directors of the US Human Rights Network, joins the show.

The US Senate is challenging President Trump by inserting language in the annual defense bill that would prohibit him from lifting sanctions on Chinese telecom ZTE. The company had agreed to pay a $1 billion fine and to allow American inspectors after it was caught selling prohibited items to Iran and North Korea. Dr. Jack Rasmus, a professor of economics at Saint Mary's College of California and author of the article in the World Review of Political Economy titled "Trump's Déjà vu China Trade War,' joins Walter and John.

In a victory for Amazon, Starbucks, and other major corporations, the Seattle City Council voted to repeal a tax that was meant to fund efforts to combat Seattle's homeless problem. The tax would have raised $47 million a year to fund affordable housing projects. Jane Cutter, the editor of, joins the show.

In a major defeat for the Justice Department, a federal judge yesterday approved AT&T's $85.4 billion merger with Time Warner. It's a decision that is expected to unleash a wave of corporate mergers beginning with CVS and Aetna Insurance. Walter and John speak with Steve Keen, the author of "Debunking Economics" and the world's first crowdfunded economist, whose work is at

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