
EU Approves Retaliatory Tariffs Against US Amid Trade Row - Reports

The move comes in response to trade tariffs imposed by US President Donald Trump, a measure that has slammed by Brussels as a "step toward protectionism."

The European Union has unanimously approved a set of retaliatory tariffs against the US trade duties, including those on whiskey and motorcycles, according to AFP citing sources.

"Member states have today unanimously supported the commission's plan for the adoption of rebalancing measures on the US tariffs on steel and aluminum," the media outlet reported, citing a source from the European Commission on condition of anonymity.

The retaliatory measures are expected to take effect "in coming days," the source was quoted as saying.

Other officials claim that the measures will enter into force in early July.

The move came as a response to Donald Trump's recent decision to impose tariffs on European steel and aluminum exports.

READ MORE: Europe Must React 'Robustly' When US Crosses 'Red Lines' — German FM

EU officials have yet to officially confirm the information.

US-EU Trade Row Overshadows G7 Summit - Analysts
Relations between European countries and the US reached their lowest point following the recent G7 summit, with US President Donald Trump refusing to sign the final communique and accusing allies of taking advantage of the US trade.

Earlier, Trump announced the introduction of a 25 percent tariff on steel imports and a 10 percent tariff on aluminum imports from the EU, Canada and Mexico.

The president of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, dismissed the tariffs as completely unacceptable and pledged to introduce countermeasures.
