
Trump Says He Will Sign Executive Order to End Separation of Immigrant Families

U.S. President Donald Trump participates in a Cabinet meeting, where he discussed immigration policy at the White House in Washington, U.S., June 20, 2018
The White House has been harshly criticized for its "zero-tolerance" policy, as it has led to the separation of thousands of children from their families at the border.

US President Donald Trump announced on Wednesday that he would sign "something pre-emptive" in order to put an end to the separation of immigrant families at the southern borders of the country.

"We're going to be signing an executive order in a little while…We've got to be keeping families together," Trump said as quoted by a pool reporter. "So I'm going to be signing an executive order in a little while before I go to Minnesota but, at the same time, I think you have to understand, we're keeping families together but we have to keep our borders strong. We will be overrun with crime and with people that should not be in our country."

The president added that the administration is "going to count on Congress" to address the issue.

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In this June 1, 2018, file photo, children hold signs during a demonstration in front of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement offices in Miramar, Fla. The Trump administration's move to separate immigrant parents from their children on the U.S.-Mexico border has turned into a full-blown crisis in recent weeks
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Earlier in the day, Trump said on his Twitter account that the migration laws in the US are "the weakest and worst anywhere in the world." These words followed earlier statements by the US president on the migration issue, having previously tweeted "If you don’t have Borders, you don’t have a Country."

The alleged executive order could conclude a long struggle between the president and the opposition, which started last May when US Attorney General Jeff Sessions said that the Trump administration would adopt a zero-tolerance policy towards illegal migrants.

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The policy includes measures such as taking children away from parents that had been detained by the authorities. According to the US Department of Homeland Security, up to 2,000 immigrant children were separated from their parents between April 19 and May 31, leading to protests across the country. In response, Republican lawmakers have expressed the desire to allow parents and their children to stay together.
