
Twitter Explodes as Melania Trump Makes Surprise Visit to Migrant Detention Camp

Melania Trump, who is known for being an advocate for children’s rights, has paid a visit to a US-Mexico border detention facility amid backlash against the US administration's new family separation policy at the southern border.

Melania Trump has paid an unannounced visit to a US-Mexico border detention facility and asked how quickly it would be possible to reunite the children with their families.

She thanked the social workers for their "hard work and compassion," and asked what she could do to help reunite the children with their families "as quickly as possible."

Melania asked how many times the kids can contact their parents. She was told twice a week, but was then given a long description of the processing process, which suggests that the twice a week may not be the reality for all of them.

Social media has erupted with reaction to Melania Trump’s visit, with some Twitter users suggesting that FLOTUS' move was a "stunt."

The first lady, whose pressure was reported to be a factor in Trump’s decision to sign an executive order on Wednesday to keep the immigrant children together with their parents, left the White House quietly on Thursday morning and flew to Texas for her visit.

READ MORE: Netizens Bash Melania Trump's Alleged Criticism of US Immigration Policy

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Earlier, Melania's spokeswoman stated that the first lady "hates" to see families separated at the border. A White House official has commented on the statement, saying that Melania Trump had been making her opinion known to the president that he needed to act to keep migrant families together.

Hundreds of children have been waiting away from their parents in a series of cells created out of metal fencing. The US border patrol allowed reporters to briefly visit the facility where it is holding families that had been arrested at the southern border earlier in the week.
